Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a commonly performed surgery that tightens weak or stretched muscles and removes excess skin, creating a flat and toned abdomen. The procedure helps to tighten the loose skin and fat of the abdominal wall, particularly around the navel, through the controlled removal and elevation of skin and fat in this area. The navel is reinserted into the skin after the tightening procedure. It is possible to diminish the appearance of stretch marks from the lower abdomen, but permanent removal of all stretch marks is not guaranteed following tummy tuck surgery.

The mini tummy tuck, or mini abdominoplasty, is ideal for people who have excessive fat between the belly button and the pubic bone. Bulging in this area is due to the accumulation of excess fatty tissue as well as flaccidity of the lower stomach muscles. The muscles in this area become flaccid because of the absence of or damage to (i.e. from pregnancy) the supportive tissue (called fascia) in the lower portion of the abdomen. During the procedure, the abdominal walls are tightened and excess skin and fat is removed.

The mini tummy tuck at Beaux Surgery is performed by our resident surgeons and takes place in under local anesthesia with sedation. Once the patient is anesthetized, a 10-15 cm incision is made across the abdomen and excess skin and fat are cut away. The muscles of the abdominal wall may be tightened. The belly button may be detached and then re-attached in order to better move the skin. Liposuction is often performed to remove excess fat.

Even individuals of otherwise normal body weight and proportion can develop an abdomen that protrudes or is loose and sagging. The most common causes of this include: Pregnancy, Aging, Significant fluctuations in weight, Heredity & Prior surgery