Eyebrow Restoration


Eyebrow Restoration

Eyebrow Restoration is designed to restore eyebrows that are overly thin, scarred, or completely missing. The absence of hair can be due to genetics, prior electrolysis, removal, over plucking or other hormonal abnormalities.

Losing your eyebrows can dramatically affect your facial appearance, and can make you feel selfconscious every time you look in the mirror. Beaux surgery offers a solution to eyebrow hair loss and help restore an individual’s confidence.
Beaux Surgery eyebrow hair transplant can take your genetically strong hair and design, or fill in the areas of hair loss to give you back your eyebrows, and regain your natural facial appearance and confidence with your own natural growing hair. Hair is removed from a suitable donor area and then transplanted to the eyebrow area to create completely natural looking eyebrows.