


Finasteride (Propecia®)

Finasteride is used for the treatment of male pattern baldness in males. Male hair loss is caused by an increased sensitivity to male sex hormones (androgens) in certain parts of the scalp.

What causes male hair loss?

Some men have areas on their scalp that are very sensitive to the male sex hormones that circulate in their bloodstream. The hormones are responsible for the production of hair follicles. In male hair loss, the hair follicles—from which hair grows—shrink. Eventually, the hair follicles become so small that they cannot replace lost hairs. The follicles are still alive, however no longer able to produce hair.
Male hair loss usually starts in men aged 20 to 30 and follows a typical pattern. First, a receding hairline develops, and gradually the hair on top of the head also begins to thin. Eventually, the two balding areas meet to form a typical “U-shape” around the back and sides of the scalp. The hair that remains is often linear, and does not grow as quickly as before.

How does Finasteride work?

The medication contains the active ingredient Finasteride, which is a type II 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Finasteride works by inhibiting the action of a compound in the body called type II 5-alpha reductase, which is responsible for converting the male hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a hormone that can damage hair follicles and lead to hair loss in men who are genetically inclined to experience hair loss.
Finasteride prevents the action of type II 5-alpha reductase, and therefore prevents the formation of DHT. This action decreases the amount of DHT both in the blood and the scalp, which leads to reversal of the balding process.
Finasteride is taken by mouth to increase hair growth and prevent further hair loss in men with male pattern baldness. It may take 3-6 months of treatment before a decrease in hair loss or increase in hair density is noticed. Continued use of Finasteride is recommended in order to obtain the maximum benefit from the medication. If Finasteride is discontinued, you are likely to lose any hair you have gained within 9-12 months. The usual dose of Finasteride is 1 mg daily.

Before taking Finasteride, it is important for you to:
● Discuss any allergies you may have with your physician and pharmacist
● Make sure your physician and pharmacist are aware of all other medications or supplements you are currently taking
● Let your physician know if you have or have ever had liver disease or prostate cancer

It is important to note that Finasteride should only be used by men. For women, Minoxidil is typically prescribed.

Minoxidil (Rogaine®)

Minoxidil was originally developed to treat high blood pressure. It was later discovered Minoxidil also has the effect of slowing or stopping hair loss, so it is often prescribed for the treatment of androgenic alopecia. Although effective generic versions are also available, Minoxidil is marketed as Rogaine in pharmacies worldwide. No prescription is required for purchase.

Unlike Finasteride (Propecia®), Minoxidil is suitable for the treatment of both men and women, although it should not be prescribed for women who are pregnant or nursing. Minoxidil is applied directly to the areas of the scalp that are experiencing hair loss, ideally twice daily. To achieve the best results, the solution should be in contact with the scalp for a minimum of 4 hours before showering.

Before taking Minoxidil, it is important for you to:
● Discuss any allergies you may have with your physician and pharmacist
● Make sure your physician and pharmacist are aware of all other medications or supplements you are currently taking
● Let your physician know if you have or have ever had any serious illnesses

Using more than the recommended amount of Minoxidil can increase the amount absorbed by the body, which can lead to a dangerous drop in blood pressure. It is important to use Minoxidil only as prescribed.