Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Procedure with ACell

At Beaux Surgery, we have been performing PRP therapy as a proactive therapeutic option for male and female patients experiencing hair loss. PRP is an exciting non-surgical therapeutic option for patients who require stimulation of hair growth for hair loss conditions.
How do we perform the procedure?
Blood is drawn in our office as though you are having routine blood testing at your primary care physician’s office. The blood is spun in a centrifuge and the platelet rich plasma (PRP) is separated and removed from the rest of the blood. ACell is combined with PRP (platelet rich plasma) and injected into affected areas of the scalp. An anesthesia block is performed to the nerves of the scalp so the patient feels no pain when PRP + ACell is injected into the scalp. The patient’s scalp is then washed and the patient may drive home without any assistance. No sedation or any medication is given during the procedure to inhibit the ability to drive or use machinery. Typically 2-3 sessions are needed to achieve optimal results.

What is ACell?

ACell is a FDA approved cellular regeneration product used in wound healing that has recently been combined with a patient’s own stem cells and has shown to improve hair regrowth in both men and women.

The application of ACell + PRP causes miniaturized hair follicles to become healthier and larger, producing more robust hair growth. ACell activates follicular progenitor cells (adult stem cells) and PRP is comprised of growth factors that promote rapid angiogenesis and localized cell growth. Effective for both male and female pattern hair loss, ACell + PRP has also regrown hair in alopecia areata, eyebrow hypotrichosis, and other cases of non-hereditary hair loss.

Can I use other medical therapies at the same time?

Absolutely. In fact, Beaux Surgery encourages it and prescribes PRP therapy to patients who are not eligible for surgery or who want to delay hair restoration surgery. As a non-surgical treatment option, we recommend PRP therapy along with Minoxidil & DHT blockers or for those patients who cannot tolerate or have side effects with these medications